1590: Hans and Zacharias Janssen
create the first microscope
1667: Robert Hooke which outlines
Hooke's various studies using the microscope.
1675: Anton van Leeuwenhoek,
who used a microscope with one lens to observe insects and other specimen. Leeuwenhoek
was the first to observe bacteria.
1830: Joseph Jackson Lister discovers that using weak lenses together at various distances provided
clear magnification.
1878: A mathematical theory linking resolution to light wavelength is invented
by Ernst Abbe.
1903: Richard Zsigmondy invents the ultramicroscope,
which allows for observation of specimens below the wavelength of light.
1932: Transparent biological
materials are studied for the first time using Frits Xernike's invention
of the phase-contrast microscope.
1938: Ernst Ruska
developed the electron microscope, who realized that using electrons in microscopy
enhanced resolution.
1981: 3-D specimen images possible with the invention of the
scanning tunneling microscope by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.
1608: Galileo experiments
The first telescope was unveiled
in the Netherlands in 1608, made by Jacob Metius and Hans Lippershey. It was made famous, however, by Italian mathematician
Galileo, who constructed his own, improved device and was the first to use
it to explore space. With his telescope he discovered four satellites of Jupiter,
and resolved nebular patches into stars.
1672: Newton reflects
Isaac Newton designed a telescope which used mirrors, known as a reflector telescope.
This improved telescope to the Royal Society, causing much excitement.
1845: A noble sight was presented
The Irish nobleman the 3rd Earl
of Rosse built an enormous telescope with a mirror 6ft in diameter. The telescope
was placed in a pit near his home, Birr Castle, and consisted of a giant tube, at
the bottom of which was a large metal mirror. Despite its restricted range, some
remarkable discoveries were made using the telescope, such as the first spiral nebulae.
1970: The dawn of Hubble
In the 1970s work began on a
telescope that was to become the Hubble Space telescope, named after American astrologist
Edwin Hubble. On 25 April 1990 it was deployed to its position beyond the earth's atmosphere
where it now orbits the planet. From this position it is able to give a view of
the universe free from distortion.
1996-2011: Space gets closer
In 1996 plans began for the
next generation space telescope named after former Nasa administrator, James Webb, it's a large infrared-optimised
space telescope, set to be launched in 2018, which will reside in an orbit around
1 million miles away from earth.
1845: Sarah Mather patented a device
that allows us to observe the depths of the oceans to sailing ships. This first
device further determined positions and distances from positions 'blind'.
1854: the French Mariee Davey using
this instrument in the naval area.
1872: the design was modified to replace Davey mirrors prisms,
extending its reach, after there have been many improvements and versions.
Binoculars or binoculars, like
spyglass or telescope is an optical instrument used to magnify the image of distant
objects, but unlike them, the image is viewed in three dimensions and thus allow
better appreciate the distance between distant objects and the observer.
The antecedes binoculars are Galileo's telescope, an instrument which could be increased
up to 30 times.
The first binoculars were monocular and used as a telescope.
1815-1823: Two optical working independently to develop the binoculars:
Johann Friedrich Voigtlander in Vienna
and JT Hudson in England. They made an
instrument consisting of two glasses which were connected by a bridge, and could
be adjusted independently or together.
1823: using
binoculars became popular in Paris, the headquarters of fashion at that time. Binoculars
reflected the taste and prestige of their owners, with gold and precious handles
matching bags or stones.
The back gray Bausch & Lomb production begins Binoculars & Telescopes Carl Zeiss authorized under US licenses.
1896-1908: B & L extends its company opens offices in Chicago
and Boston, San Francisco and New York.
The United States Department of the Navy conducted a test officially binoculars
binoculars in order to choose the most effective and practical for use instrument.
The binoculars Warner & Swasey Company turned out to be the chosen ones. From
there the United States commissioned large orders to the W & S Company to provide
with NSTRUMENTS of these characteristics, their battleships and cruisers boats.
The Universal Prismatic Binocular W & S was aluminum and could be dismantled
and put together again without adjustments.
1939-1945: During World War Second many adjustments to the binoculars
were made to make it a more useful tool in the battlefield
a new virtue binoculars, binoculars Porro and Roof system are those used at present
is incorporated; this quality was to be incorporated into the lens of technological
instrument ray laser protection filters, mainly for military use binoculars.
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